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Phare Away
A Luminous and Magical Parade
The world is full of magic and fantasy. This is the message conveyed by the crew of Phare Away, a hybrid vessel resulting from the resilience of dreamlike characters.
Guided by a daring captain at the helm of a ship of light, they are with you to bring humans together around creativity, art, music and performance.
5 Artists :
3 pneumatics stiltwalkers
1 Lady on stilt
1 Captain
1 hybride ship illuminated with powerful noise system
7 Artists :
3 pneumatics stiltwalkers
3 Ladies on stilt
1 Captain
1 hybride ship illuminated with powerful noise system
Format :
2 Parades x 45 minutes or 1 Parade x 1h30
Walking show with choreographed sequence
Transportation :
From Limoges (87), FRANCE
1 van and trailler (1€/km)
Accommodation and meal :
From D-1 to D+1 for the team, single rooms and hot food.
A full proposal will be send for all request. Inquire the date and the place of the show.
Cie Tac O Tac
Street Theater
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